
Leadership speech

  Company was founded in the beginning of the reform and development of the 70's, with China and the world's economic development, the company has been growing. To today has grown into a world-class service in the sulfuric acid equipment, coking and chemical industry, such as the production of recycling and pressure vessels, leading suppliers. Along the way, the company from a diversified customer and market to draw a wealth of experience, now brand, international strategy, the company will be a global vision and open thinking; carry forward honesty, dedication, innovation and entrepreneurship, better for domestic and foreign customers.

  Companies in the future will continue to develop in the field of environmental protection, through more advanced technology programs and equipment, is committed to reducing the emissions of SO2 gases and other pollutants in the world. To contribute to a better and more green environment.

Jiangsu Qing Feng Engineering Group copyright????Company address: Jiangsu City, Yangzhou Province, Si Zhen Huai Qing Feng Road No. 8????Zip code: 225115????Su ICP 09098352
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